We are a medical practice operating nationwide, specialized in the continuance of post-hospital care, working with pediatrics, and all other ages of patients covering a myriad of medical issues. Although registered with all Medical Schemes, we are a preferred provider to Medi help, GEMS and Discovery, when it comes to patients with special care needs, including ventilation, trachea, PEG, oxygen, physiotherapy, etc., and provide a complete case management service including nursing staff and all equipment necessary to the care of the patient.
How we work, is that we normally do an assessment based on the information provided by the attending physicians and family members, to determine the basic nursing and equipment needs of the patient. With regards to nursing, our nurses normally live in with the patient/family as we deploy nursing staff appropriate to the nursing care rather than recruit locally. But more importantly, live-in nurses means that nursing is on hand 24/7. Many patients and families cope with patient needs with one (1) live-in nurse, but if the patient needs 24/7 monitoring, pressure care, oxygen management, and unplanned interventions such as suctioning, then two (2) nurses working back-to-back is more applicable. Depending on the nursing needs of the patient, we deploy Registered Nurses (RN), Enrolled Nurses (EN), Auxiliary Nurses (ENA), or Trained Care Workers.