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Companies use skills assessment tests to determine if a candidate is the right fit for a job. If you're applying for a vacancy, you might be asked to take one to see if you have the required skills or experience for the position. These assessments can be performed in various ways depending on the company's recruitment process. View the latest jobs as advertised on Job Mail and start applying now!

In this article, we'll take a look at the various types of skills tests you might come across and how they are used by companies. We will also share tips on how to prepare for them.

First, you need to understand what we are talking about when we speak of skills assessment tests.

What is a skills assessment test?

A skills assessment test is a type of test that aims to determine if an individual has the necessary skills to be successful in a job. Some companies also require their employees to take these tests to see if their skills are up to date. Although the tests are mainly used during the recruitment process, they can also be used to identify potential applicants.

Additionally, it is conducted to provide an unbiased assessment of a candidate's capabilities. Because of this, questions have to be relevant to the position's responsibilities and should be able to be answered by an experienced worker.

Photo by Alexandr Podvalny on Unsplash.jpg Photo by Alexandr Podvalny on Unsplash

Types of skills assessment tests

There are various skills tests that an employer can use to evaluate your suitability for a job. Below we outline those various skills.

Psychometric tests

A psychometric test is used to evaluate a candidate's cognitive abilities and suitability for an organisation. These tests can be used in different forms depending on the provider and role, and they are usually taken online. Common types of tests include verbal and numerical reasoning.

Unlike academic assessments, which are mainly about your knowledge, aptitude tests are not about your knowledge. Instead, they are about how you react and think. This means that even though you have nothing to learn, there are still areas you can improve in order to get better results.

Hard skills tests

A hard skills test is a type of test that determines if a candidate has the necessary skills to perform a job. There are various types of tests that are designed to measure a candidate's abilities, such as those related to coding and mathematics.

It's very common for candidates to take tests in these subjects. Besides being able to perform a certain task, a hard skills test also helps an employer identify the ideal candidate for their job.

Personality tests

A personality test is used to determine if you are a good fit for a company by asking you to describe your values, interests, and motivation. There are various types of personality tests that are designed to help employers identify their ideal candidate.

People who are asked to take a personality test are typically given statements about their feelings and actions. The tests are conducted with no wrong answers. They also ask to note down to what extent the testee agrees with the statements presented.

Cognitive ability tests

A cognitive ability test is used to measure a candidate's problem-solving skills, which isn’t necessarily related to the role they are applying for. It involves asking them to complete a series of questions that are designed to test their verbal and numerical reasoning abilities. This type of test is very useful for employers as it allows them to identify a candidate's ideal problem-solving skills. This kind of test is most often done online.

These tests can be conducted in a variety of formats, such as games and puzzles, and they are less stressful than the cognitive ability tests.

Job knowledge test

A job knowledge test or work sample test is used to measure a candidate's ability to cope with certain tasks. It can be taken in various forms, such as case study tests where participants are asked how they would respond to certain situations.

These tests are also helpful in assessing a candidate's skills and knowledge. In addition to being able to evaluate a candidate's abilities, job knowledge tests give employers a good idea of how they would perform in a certain role.

Image by Matthew Henry from Burst .jpg Image by Matthew Henry from Burst

How to prepare yourself for these tests

Before you start preparing for any skills assessment test, it's important that you consider the objectives of the assessment. In addition, it's also important that you present yourself well in order to receive a positive result. Here are tips that will help you get ready.

  • Make sure to prepare well - Preparation makes the process much easier. First you need to ensure that you get enough rest before the assessment because it’ll help you be in top form during your assessment. Although you most likely won’t know exactly what kind of assessment you will be doing, you can still do a few practice ones to get a feel for them. For instance, taking the free IQ test can help you get familiar with the concept of aptitude tests. A quick Google search will give you plenty of options for practice tests.
  • Know what an assessment entails - You may be presented with different components during an assessment. However, most of the time the tests are similar in terms of their structure and components. For instance, an IQ test will typically be part of the assessment.
  • Practice IQ tests - Although IQ tests are usually part of an assessment, they can also be practised. This will allow you to train your brain and improve your intelligence. Having a good score on each component will help you realise an optimal one.
  • Take assessment exercises - In addition to the usual components, such as interviews and personality tests, assessment exercises can also be used to prepare for the real test. They help by giving you an assurance that you'll get the answers that you're looking for.
  • Never underestimate it - You should not underestimate how difficult the assessment can be. Even though you have the potential to excel, do not take it lightly. Prepare as well as you can and take all assignments seriously.

Above all, don't rely on the company to provide you with a skill assessment test beforehand. Instead, take advantage of the opportunity to pre-emptively take one of these tests online, there are plenty of free ones to find. Remember, Job Mail has a wide selection of training and courses that are designed to help you improve your skills and get the job you want. Register your CV and apply for any job that you want.

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